

Warnings and errors will be send to the windows event log.

Diagnostic information

IISpeed exposes a few urls that allow viewing diagnostic information. By default, these urls are only accessible from the local machine. If you want them to be publically accessible, or authorize them yourself using the request filtering module, you can add this to IISWebSpeed.config:

pagespeed InfoUrlsLocalOnly off

PageSpeed Logging

Viewing the last few IISpeed log messages


These messages are collected globally from all worker processes.

PageSpeed Global Statistics

Global statistics and configuration can be viewed at


PageSpeed WebSite Statistics

Per website statistics and configuration can be viewed at



The PageSpeed console also offers opportunities for monitoring your IISpeed installation.



IISpeed debug output can be viewed using DebugView (downloadable at microsoft technet).

To get as much debug information as possible, you can also put a line containing pagespeed diagnose into the root configuration file.

If you're capturing diagnostics of IISpeed via DebugView, make sure to enable Capture Global Win32.